⭐️It’s show day! ⭐️We hope you are all looking forward to the first performance of As You Like It tonight at 7pm 😀 You can still purchase tickets for tonight and tomorrow’s performances through the school reception!
We would like to introduce you to another member of the fabulous cast, Erin G …
“I am in the ensemble and my involvements include, being a referee in the boxing match and a court person, as well as a couple of other parts in different scenes. The way I prepare for performing is making sure I know all the parts I’m and my cues.
My favouite moment so far has probably been making friends with people I otherwise wouldn’t have made friends with. I am mainly looking forward to performing to finally see the play in action properly and see how happy it makes the audience to watch it. Lastly, my favourite moment in the play is the transition from the court to the forest.”